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Let me Explain to you What Escort is?

Escorts and escort services have been around for a long time. Back in ancient times, this was a practice in temples as a way of worship. Over the years, the reasons for hiring escorts have changed, but the escorting and prostitution business has never ceased to exist. In fact, we might live in an era when hiring call girls is more popular than ever.

But what exactly is an escort and how does it work if you want to hire one? First of all, there are several differences between escorts and prostitutes. You might think that these two types of professionals do the same job, but the truth is that their services are, in fact, quite different. Long story short, prostitutes sell sex for money while the escorts offer companionship that may or may not include sex. This is part of the reason why hiring an escort is legal even in the majority of countries where prostitution is forbidden by law.

In fact, the range of services provided by the escorts is quite broad and it all comes down to how a specific client wants to spend their time with the escort their hire. However, for the sake of a better understanding of these services, we are going to describe the most popular ones.

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